
We are huge fans of Shelly Laurenston here at BookPage HQ, so we were pretty much over the moon to learn that she’ll be releasing a new fantasy romance series under her other pen name, G.A. Aiken. The Scarred Earth Saga will kick off with The Blacksmith Queen on August 27, and it sounds like readers who
Kickstarter is a great place to discover what’s new and novel in the vast world of comics. The sheer volume of available projects is awe-inspiring. And a little intimidating. How do you find what you’re looking for? How do you choose which projects to back? How do you know which creators you want to support
2019 Lariat Reading List Posted by Stephanie, Director of Strategic Marketing on April 24, 2019 Recently, our BookPage marketing team spent time in Austin, Texas, at the Texas Library Association’s annual meeting. We made new friends, ate our weight in tacos and discovered the annual Lariat Reading List, which calls attention to outstanding adult fiction