Month: June 2020

Born in 1945, Edward Tuttle, the Seattle-born architect and cofounder of Paris-based Design Realization has died on 21 June 2020. Throughout his career, he enduringly kept a low profile, so much so that many lauded architectural tomes and periodicals are bereft of his quotes. Perhaps Tuttle’s success relied on his lifelong discretion. Unbeknownst to many,
“Less is more.” Three simple words that create enormous impact in various ways. It’s a sweet, ironic statement that makes sense. In a world that tries to promote and showcase various “needs” that make you “want,” it can come off as surprising or rare to find people or groups that adhere to such a lifestyle.
Virgin Galactic’s spacecraft Unity comes into land during a glide test flight on May 1, 2020. Virgin Galactic Virgin Galactic successfully completed its second glide flight test in New Mexico on Thursday, a milestone that should set the company up to begin spaceflights next. The company said that after it completes “an extensive data review”
The 100 has introduced a mysterious new enemy in its final season, but this new civilization is still shrouded in mystery. Who exactly are these “Disciples,” and what do they want with our heroes — particularly Clarke (Eliza Taylor)? Clarke (Eliza Taylor) and her crew on planet Alpha came face to face with their new enemy,
The Charity Commission has urged the leaders of hundreds of the UK’s largest charities to ensure their organisations are not responsible for management or governance failures that could further damage public trust in the sector.  The regulator today concluded that serious mismanagement at the RNIB exposed vulnerable children in the sight-loss charity’s care to harm
We need to get better at talking with, listening to and learning from each other, says Malcolm Gladwell, host of the popular podcast “Revisionist History.” “You can’t read somebody and make sense of someone in 10 seconds. Don’t even try,” says Gladwell, whose September book, “Talking to Strangers,” analyzes the inadequacies in people’s capacity to do so. “The
If you have never worn a suit before and or you want to start experimenting with different colours, you may not be confident when it comes to which suit to choose and how to mix different colours with accessories. Suits are an amazing way to not only get you noticed, but you can really show
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Did Clarke and her team survive? The 100 Season 7 Episode 6 found members of the Skaikru on a new planet and they had to contend with some of their biggest fears.  With a large spider stalking them, they had to work together.  Meanwhile, Raven continued to struggle after sacrificing several lives to save everyone on
While Disney insiders remain optimistic, it would not be a shocker if the studio moves the first big event movie after exhibition’s COVID-19 shutdown off its July 24 date. There’s just too many gloomy signs out there. Even though the Niki Caro-directed movie built up a great degree of awareness in its marketing earlier this
The University of Cambridge Judge Business School has launched a new centre to focus on strategic philanthropy in emerging markets. The new Centre for Strategic Philanthropy said it would examine responses to the coronavirus crisis by philanthropists and foundations in high-growth markets, including Africa, developing Asia and the Middle East, and the lasting impact of
An illuminated logo sits on the exterior of Wirecard’s headquarters in the Aschheim district of Munich, Germany. Michaela Handrek-Rehle | Bloomberg | Getty Images Wirecard will file for an application to open insolvency proceedings with the district court of Munich, the company said Thursday. The company said in a short statement that management had decided